Business Strategy Session
Application Form
Please Fill in the form below to allow us to understand your Business...
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Email Address
4. Your Business Name
5. Your Business' Website
6. Your Position held in the Business
7. What is the biggest challenge or frustration you face in your business?
8. What is the main area you want to work on or improve you like to work on with our assistance?
9. Are you currently doing any marketing online for your business? ( If "No", please proceed to Q11 )
10 . If Yes, please tell us briefly the Online marketing activities below
11. If No, please tell us briefly how do you market your Business currently?
12. What is the Annual Revenue your business currently generates?
13. How many staff members do you have in your Business?
14. Have your Business worked with any Marketing Agency previously? (If "No" Please Proceed to Q16)
15. If Yes .. please provide details on what your business hired them for?
16. What is your monthly marketing budget you are planning to allocate for your business?
17. Business Contact Number
18. Skype ID
19. Which Country are you located?
20. Best Day and Time to call ( Please Provide Two Options )
21. How did you hear about us ?
22. Is there any other relevant information you want us to know? 
Feel free to provide links to any relevant sales funnels / marketing materials etc
Need help with something? 
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